How is it after all these years I still don't have my shit together? I still don't have a single answer to even one of the salient questions which have been presented to me. I sit alone on this brisk summer evening watching the lightning further illuminate the Denver skyline and I think what would my father do? What would any of the individuals that I've held on high my entire life do in this situation? When approaching an impasse what does a strong man do, how does he handle himself?
We have seen men of action time after time yet theirs was more often than not a scripted role. A grand design developed in an authors chair. What of real men? Where is their contribution? Can you think of one single person who has been stead fast in the face of all vicissitudes, in the midsts of true hardships? I can think of a few but the path I've walked has been an extraordinary one. Even still, these men who've been made out to be hero's are flesh and blood the same as you and I. They possess the same percentage of carbon molecules, the same insecurities and the same fears desires that you do.
The only real difference between you and those that you idolize is their exposure to heartache. Those who you have chosen to place in position of admiration have simply endured more pain than you or handled the same pain with renown grace. In this they may be a person worth admiring, however, to make a hero of a person who's flesh is no more or less vulnerable to assault than yours is foolish. That person whom you've held in such a high regard is a mess, in one facet or another they lack control. It is human nature to not have every aspect of oneself under control. This is what partially creates our need for one another. Just know that the way to fill the gap within yourself is not to rely on others but rather upon yourself . Be your own shinning example, be your own hero.
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