Sunday, November 13, 2016

Let if fall

It doesn't have to be perfect the first time through, it just has to get the cursor moving. Productivity flames inspiration as well as the reverse. Punch the keys. Hack the cobwebs with a hand axe. Manage mischievous moments. Spill a little bit of life on the page. Buy a round.

I told this girl who moved my world, "Let's make a sound so loud it will shake the ground." So she found a way. Cracked me in two then became the glue to heal our soul through and though.

We parted ways, strayed, and rediscovered the other's pains. Came back around a time or two before we knew how to exist without each other's kiss. "Let it fall." she said, "the seed will sprawl and soon be a tree so tall it will touch the sky before we die once and for all."

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