Friday, November 25, 2011

coffee and cornbread

With a sink full of dirty dishes and a floor full of clean clothes I waste another hour in a nearly catatonic state.  I have nothing but time yet nothing ever gets done.  Phone chirps and I leap at it like a leopard to a rabbit.  What could be so important?  nothing.  I suppose I have high hopes that one of my clever friends will send me a text that will make me laugh.  I don't need them, I have youtube.  Wait, that isn't the point.  Damn you Andy Samberg.  You are my addiction. This is my methadone.  Every moment that I spend here is one less that I spend checking status updates from friends that haven't had an intelligent thought in their entire adult lives. 

To do lists:
fight a monkey
sweep the floor
drudge the river
email the VA coordinator at school
perfect the handstand
mail some checks
write some programs
drink 3 pots of coffee

Busy black friday.  I do not want to leave my house.  I am afraid.  Some people got maced this morning over a discounted toaster.  I like toast, but not to the extent that I am willing to temporarily loose my vision for it.  WAIT.... toast contains gluten!  that's a double slap in the face.  I wonder if mace is gluten free?  Furthermore, is it considered paleo??   What a way to get your diet off track! 

Coffee and wine both have the same effect on me cerebrally speaking.  A budding rose that requires a diuretic to come to fruition.  I wish I had a pirate wine glass.  A free thought in the free and clear.  It is overflowing....put on pot #2.  I am going to get at least two of those mother fucking things on my list done today!!  Get ready monkey... I've been practicing my high kicks all week!!   We will call this the 5th meditation on the first philosophy.  Rene did it in his pajamas... I'm not wearing any pants.  Who is brilliant?  who is eccentric?  and who is just plain fucking crazy???     You bring up a good point, self.  The ramblings of a madman are often published by those later praised for being ground breaking free thinkers.  Why attempt to confine that?  "You can't stop me, your only hope is to contain me!!"  ~Cole Young. 

An observation:
 Truth is what we convince others to believe.
A reflection can never hope to achieve the purity of the original projection. 
There is no cheating, just winning and losing, and even that is subjective.

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