Here is a little experiment. I am going to type whatever comes into my mind without censor. This should be interesting. ohhh wait, let me get my wine.....
Awake from a four hour nap, groggy. Divided in what to do next. After watching a documentary on 3 guys that ran across the Sahara Desert I feel like I should go run; I probably won't. Perhaps going for a stroll through my new neighborhood on a fancy bike without gears would be fun, buy a book and then only read half of it.... I can't tell you the last time I consumed a book cover to cover. SIP. Delicious! What is it about blackberries and Sauvignon Blanc that just make me feel like a classy bitch! that is a rhetorical question. I bet it was the left over turkey that put me to sleep, Turkey sleeper hold! choked out by a large, butt fuck ugly bird!!
SIP. Burning bridges has never been a forte of mine. Offence I take and it throws me off track. I have made a carer out of putting out fires on bridges that would be much better off burning straight into the stream below. Where is the fault in that? Holding on. Burn that mother fucker with my own hand and then spend a lifetime rebuilding it with railroad ties and my fist as a bloody hammer. This is not the action of a sane person. Sanity is relative. Relativity is physics and you can not argue with physics, unless you are Einstein then you can do what you please. Oh shit. How about sanity is perception. Perception is reality. Reality is relative to the individual living it. My reality is a cave that I do handstands in. A new beginning that comes from a bridge that should not have ever been constructed in such a perceivable indestructible manor. A masterpiece in my own mind. My mind is not a simple one. I have a stubbornness, a kind yet stern outlook on all that I see. I care, that can be my downfall. But enough about me. No this is about my mind. Me. That is the point here self examination, expression and discovery. WOW. I believe that was the intent. Become aware of my own thoughts so as to sharpen them into a dagger that I may use to vanquish all those that stand in opposition to me..... haha okay, maybe not that last part but certainly the sharpening aspect is true.
Weep no more. Your heart is a pump. Nothing but a zap from the SA Node and a mechanical action occur there. It skips a beat, that lets us know that something is happening. That must be the adrenal glands though. Fight or flight. Why must I always fight. I am renaming this the "fight or fight" syndrome. Flight exists only on a plane in my existence. An existential plane. That was quite the pun. SIP. Reflect. Flesh, bone, feeling, memory, belief, sorrow. I didn't expect this to be upbeat. Nor would I attempt to be some dark and twisted soul. Poe needed a hug, maybe that is the preventative cure for mental illness. It goes a long way. I am not ill mentally, not anymore than the man who talks to himself at the bus stop. It is colder in here than face value will suggest. I believe that I am even missing the point. To miss a point that you are attempting to make yourself isdifficult, not actually trying to make a point and missing it suggests a level of complete understanding and sanity. What a relief. SIP.
well.... my 10 minutes is up.
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